uFocus Contact

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204 responses to “uFocus Contact”

  1. Can uFocus save .md files?

    I was thinking it would do this if you turn Modus = Markdown to “on”.

    This would let us also use other Markdown editors.

    I have Modus=markdown on, but it’s saving it as .txt files.

    1. Yes, uFocus can save as Markdown. At the moment, though, the .txt extension is chosen automatically if no extension is specified in the save panel. When adding a file to an existing library via the Library menu, uFocus will try to guess the new file’s extension from the existing files’ extensions; if all files in the new file’s folder have the same extension, that will also be the automatically chosen one. In any case, you can always specify an extension when creating or renaming a file.

  2. Hi! I’m running uFocus on an Intel Mac, OS 14.3.1, and I’m trying to italicize some text. Every time I do, though, uFocus shuts down. Help! Thanks!

    1. Could it be that you disabled Markdown formatting from the Modus menu? I could reproduce the crash when trying to set some text italic or strong and uFocus was launched with that option disabled. Before the last update it wasn’t possible to use those commands without having Markdown formatting enabled, but I guess I changed this by mistake. I will revert this again in the next update.

  3. I’m on macOS Ventura 13.4.1 and can’t download Witgui it says “Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.”

  4. Gary Braid Avatar
    Gary Braid

    Latest version update via appstore will not launch on either of my two laptops, one running High Sierra 10.13.6 and the other running Catalina 10.15

    1. I noticed there’s indeed a problem on macOS 10.15 and older. An update will be published soon. Thanks for notifying me!

  5. a recent update got rid of the tabs view so all my notes are on separate windows (I use macOS Monterey 12.6.5, and version 3.15.1 of the app)
    i don’t really use the library mode as often since I basically use the app like my sticky notes so nothing is saved to a specific dump folder. the tabs at the top was really convenient since it doesn’t take up as much space compared to the library bar since I use vertically small windows for taking down notes while on zoom, and my to-do list

    love the app btw!! markdown is a godsend and typewriter mode is still the best since I downloaded it 2 years ago, thank you!!!

    1. You’re right, I accidentally disabled the tabbing menu items in the View menu, which probably also disabled the behaviour you were used to. I will make sure to enable it again in the next update.

  6. Fan of the app Avatar
    Fan of the app

    Very nice app. Would it be possible to have a setting to make the blue vertical bar blink when one is not typing (like, e.g., it is the case in this text field where I am entering this suggesting). Somehow the blinking always motivates me to type…

    1. Many years ago the text cursor in uFocus used to blink, but then changed it to static because I had the impression that it would reduce stress. I have never thought about it as improving motivation. Right now, since I’m always careful not to add too many options that could distract the user, I’m not sure if adding an option to make it static vs. blinking would be the best idea, but I’ll surely keep your input in mind and possibly make a change in a future update, though I cannot promise anything at this point.

  7. KingoftheFrogs Avatar

    Hi Nicolas,

    I love this software! I especially love the minimal look. I’m currently learning app dev, so I was wondering if you could tell me what framework you used for the GUI.

    1. I’m glad to hear that you like the app! I just used Apple’s own Cocoa framework.

  8. chunqian Avatar

    Hi Nicolas,
    I love uFocus! But I have a problem, in Markdown formatting with **text** cannot display as a custom font, can you fix this problem? I really love uFocus too much!

    1. It seems that on older macOS versions some fonts are not handled correctly. I’ll fix this in the upcoming update, though I have to warn you that some fonts don’t support italics, and both with the fix and on newer macOS versions those fonts will still be replaced by another font for the italics part.

  9. Whenever I try to update the uFocus app, an error pops ups saying that the install cannot be extracted. How do I fix this? Also, how do I manually check for updates?

    1. I don’t think that an error during the update extraction process is an issue within the app itself. It sounds more like an issue with macOS. Maybe uninstalling the app and reinstalling it solves the problem. (You can manually check for updates in the App Store app, in the section Updates in the sidebar, assuming you have a recent macOS version.) Otherwise I can only suggest to contact the Apple support, although the best option that they usually have is to install macOS from scratch.

  10. Rick Roberts Avatar
    Rick Roberts

    I love the elegance and usefulness of uFocus. Thanks for making it. When will you have a universal version? I don’t want to install Rosetta on my new M2 MacBook Air.

    Thanks again.

    1. I just published an update that adds native support for Apple Silicon.

  11. Fantastic work. I got you some fruit on a plate, hope it helps 😉

    I have a tiny request – if only the app would stop being difficult about me using .md as extension so I can edit them also in other apps ;-)\
    It keeps warning me with a modal popup. That’s a bit over the top, markdown files are after all .md files so that isn’t THAT bad 😉

    But hey, I don’t save new files that often, it’s not urgent. Keep up the good work!

    1. You’re absolutely right, that alert is superfluous but I never noticed it since I mostly use .txt files. I was able to correct this behaviour and I will publish an update soon.

  12. Hello there!

    Hands-down, the best plain-text file manager EVER–from the interface to the functionality. Superb!

    1) I would love rich-text support.
    2) I love the typewriter sounds. So therapeutic and charming! What would make it better? Volume control. For example, I may be taking notes on a video, but I don’t want the typewriter sounds drawing out other sound on my computer. I don’t want to switch them off but make them more background.
    3) A setting to make the tab bar not automatically hide would be handy.

    Thanks for your consideration!

    1. 1) Unfortunately I’ll have to dismiss your first point right away. I have no plans to add rich text support at the moment, though it might change in the future. Even if I would convince myself that it wouldn’t be against the distraction-free nature of the app, it would probably require quite some time and I’m afraid that it would bring a lot of additional feature requests.

      2) I’ve never been asked to add a volume control, but your scenario makes sense. Though I’m not sure yet what I would think of a volume control inside a writing app … I’ll have to think about it, maybe there’s a more subtle way of doing this.

      3) I guess that if someone uses tabs they would want to see them permanently, without the need of an extra setting, so I’ll try to fix this.

  13. Buxtehude Avatar

    Hello there!
    This editor is absolutely incredible, and I love the minimalist design. Thanks for sharing with the world. I have two questions you might be able to answer.

    I am using a very dark theme and noticed this. When my sentences reach the bottom of the page in fullscreen mode, every time I press enter, the scrollbar on the right will light up then disappear. And this happens every time I press enter, and it can be distracting. (especially in a dark theme) Would you please make it so that the scrollbar stays invisible unless the mouse enters the scrollbar region? (Like how iaWriter fullscreen mode behaves. And here is my System preference setting: System Preferences > General > Show Scroll Bars > is set to ‘When Scrolling’)

    Is it possible to always use the app in typewriter mode? Making the current line always stay at the center of the screen? For example, when I launch the application, my first line starts from the top. I activated the Modus > Keep active line fixed, but it didn’t help.

    Any help with these will be appreciated. And thanks again for the incredible app!

    1. You’re right, the scrollbar flashes when you use the “Keep active line fixed” option and you get on a new line. I fixed this at some point, but it seems to happen again, so I will fix this with the next update.
      What “Keep active line fixed” does is unlike other apps that keep the typed text at the center of the window. in uFocus, it literally does just that: it keeps the active line fixed at its current position, so you can first scroll the text until the cursor is at the desired height, and if you type something and get on a new line, the text will automatically scroll.

  14. Now that the text size in uFocus can be controlled with command +/-, would you consider offering more font size options? In particular, I like 17px which is the default on iOS. Right now, uFocus jumps from 16px to 18px.

    1. You’re right, I will change the text size interval from the current 3pt to 1pt, so that you can have any font size that you like.

  15. Thank you! The editor is a masterpiece. Especially for someone who suffers from periodic chronic lack of focus. I love the typewriter sound. I am old enough to have experienced typing on a typewriter but savvy enough that I hardly ever use paper now. The typewriter sound creates intention behind every word that is typed. And the focus mode is another gem. I will be donating soon but I wanted to congratulate you on your work and thank you for putting this tool out there.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate your feedback!

  16. rendfill Avatar

    os x 10.11.6
    When selecting Paragraph Spacing the app crash.

    Validating menu item ‘Default’ with action @selector(setParagraphSpacing:)

    Process: uFocus [30556]
    Path: /Applications/uFocus.app/Contents/MacOS/uFocus
    Identifier: org.desairem.uFocus
    Version: 3.9.2 (86)
    App Item ID: 583995251
    App External ID: 842434885
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: ??? [1]
    Responsible: uFocus [30556]
    User ID: 502

    Date/Time: 2021-07-14 18:48:35.943 +0200
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.11.6 (15G22010)
    Report Version: 11
    Anonymous UUID: 229C57DE-735A-5687-B019-7AEFE744285E

    Sleep/Wake UUID: B4DC6090-5D26-44DA-90CE-38EEB1F344DA

    Time Awake Since Boot: 29000 seconds
    Time Since Wake: 5100 seconds

    System Integrity Protection: enabled

    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
    Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

    Application Specific Information:
    Validating menu item ‘Default’ with action @selector(setParagraphSpacing:)

    1. This crash seems to happen on older versions of macOS and will be fixed with the next update.

  17. It would be so usefull if your mac app would support Nkit format to convert to wbfs. Is there an update upcoming?

    1. I’m afraid that the NKit format is not supported by the wit/wwt tools used internally by Witgui, so unless they support it in a future release there’s nothing I can do.

  18. Mikhail Shliachkov Avatar
    Mikhail Shliachkov

    p.s. And “Highlight Active Paragraph”

    Thanks again

    1. admin Avatar

      I will think about this and possibly add it in a future release.

  19. Mikhail Shliachkov Avatar
    Mikhail Shliachkov

    Hello dear author!

    Thank you for the great app. I would to love to use your app in future! But I have one feature request. If you add Preview mode, so that you can edit with applied markdown it’ll be much appreciated!

    Thank you!

    1. admin Avatar

      I’ll add a Preview mode in an upcoming release, but you won’t be able to edit it, at least not yet. That would probably require quite some work that I’m not sure if and when I can tackle.

  20. Hi Nicolas,
    I want to use uFocus v3.9.1 on MacOS 10.11 (the Apple Store mentions 10.10 as minimum requirement, plus a 64bit processor, which I have). Now guess: the app won’t start. In the Konsole app I found this:
    28.05.21 20:11:30,779 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (org.desairem.uFocus.830112[1777]) Service exited due to signal: Illegal instruction: 4
    Can I do anything around this? Do you need more information? Or is the the requirement info on the App Store just aged?
    Thanks for any hint!

    1. admin Avatar

      You’re right, uFocus used to crash on macOS 11.12 and earlier. The newest update should fix it.

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