
Compare text files or entire directory hierarchies, export and apply patches, and perform non-destructive find and replace operations on text files.

Patchword is available for Mac, iPad and iPhone. View this page for iPhone.

Download on the App Store

Drag and drop.

Select the original and the modified file to compare or drag and drop them onto the respective icon in the main window.

Compare by characters, words, sentences or lines, and optionally ignore whitespaces or sort the input.

Diff view.

Filter the list of changes, discard any of them, and export the resulting file or a patch of the changes.


Compare two directories, then compare any of the contained files, or reset a modified file to its original state.

Copy and paste.

Then compare.

Alternatively, send two texts to compare from the Shortcuts app.

Non-destructive editing.

Create edit scripts that can be applied non-destructively to any text file and export the resulting text.

I created Patchword because I couldn’t find an app for comparing files that was flexible, easy to use and affordable. If you have any problem to report or a suggestion for a new feature, I’m always happy to help!