Witgui Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of Witgui, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

In case you’re writing about an issue you’ve encountered, please have a look at the Help topics first, which may already have an answer for you.

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280 Replies to “Witgui Contact”

  1. The game shows up as copied on wiigui but won’t show up on the actual wii. i’ve made sure the file runs on dolphin and i somehow managed to get one game to show up so idrk what im doing wrong. it’s defo something with wiigui tho. am i missing any steps?

  2. Hi! Thanks so much for keeping Witgui alive over the years. The link to the guide showing how to allow Witgui to detect WBFS partitions without giving everyone root access is 404ing. Can you either fix the link or post instructions here? Thanks!

  3. Hey I just exported some game to put on usb loader GX but the covers aren’t showing is there a way to export the covers from Witgui?

  4. Hello. New to this but loving the software. I Was able to upload several titles and verify each but all of a sudden when verifying on newer titles, I get the following error and it happens with any title i try to upload.

    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1594
    !! Disc magic not found: /dev/rdisk4
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1695
    !! Can’t open wii disc: /dev/rdisk4
    !! wwt: ERROR #47 [WII DISC NOT FOUND] in OpenDiscSF() @ src/lib-sf.c#848
    !! Can’t open Wii disc: /dev/rdisk4

    Not sure how to correct the issue.

  5. Hello, thanks for the wonderful software! I’m having difficulty getting covers to show in USB Loader GX on Wii (I’m not able to take my Wii online). Clearly Witgui downloads the covers (as they display beautifully in Witgui) but is there some way to get USB Loader GX to recognize these covers as well? And if there isn’t currently, could there be an added feature of exporting the game covers as files from Witgui, so I could place them on a USB stick or SD card and point USB Loader GX to that directory?

    1. Exporting the downloaded images would be a nice feature, but I’m not sure I currently have the time to implement it. But you can quite easily copy the downloaded images in the Finder to the SD card. Witgui downloads the images to the directory located at “~/Library/Application Support/Witgui/covers”, where ~ is your home directory. You can navigate to the ~/Library directory in the Finder by pressing the Option key and selecting in the main menu Go > Library.

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