Witgui Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of Witgui, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

In case you’re writing about an issue you’ve encountered, please have a look at the Help topics first, which may already have an answer for you.

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280 Replies to “Witgui Contact”

  1. Hi, GameCube games unzip fine, but when I try to do Wii games it just says “No valid games have been found.” even though they are real Wii game roms. Does anyone no how to help.

  2. Hi, I recently tried to format my usb flash drive to WBFS, even after following the guide to allow permission to format the drive it either gives me a prompt saying It needs special permission to format or make sure the drive isn’t being used by another application, I myself have tried closing all applications on my Mac and even following the guide for the permission, all to no avail, I hope you can help me out here. Thank You! (I also formatted the USB to fat32 before hand)

    1. I cannot say right now why that procedure doesn’t work for you, but have you tried using a FAT32 partition instead of a WBFS partition?

    1. There’s nothing that should prevent you from downloading Witgui on any macOS version, but you can only run it on macOS 10.7 or newer, including macOS 10.14.6.

  3. hey, great app, i just have one problem, some of the games i transfer show up in the drive, but not on witgui. if i try to refresh i get these errors for a bunch of files ! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1594
    !! Disc magic not found: /Volumes/WIIUSB1/wbfs/S7BP69.wbfs/#0
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1695
    !! Can’t open wii disc: /Volumes/WIIUSB1/wbfs/S7BP69.wbfs/#0
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1594
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1594
    !! Disc magic not found: /Volumes/WIIUSB1/wbfs/SMNP01.wbfs/#0
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1695
    !! Can’t open wii disc: /Volumes/WIIUSB1/wbfs/SMNP01.wbfs/#0
    is there any way to fix this, i dont have the files for the games on my mac anymore. since storage issues

  4. Hello, just wanted to point out that the download link appears to be broken. The link takes me to a word press error.

  5. I can’t format my usb device, it says :Please make sure you have the permissions to format it. You can refer to the Help section of the website for instructions.
    what can I do?

  6. I’ve been using 2.2.13 which says no new updates are available, so I’m surprised to find 2.3 when checking the website! I only came to say thanks and that I am still using this app in 2022 on an M1 Mac. So 2.3 being a Universal build makes me really happy! Thank you

    1. I just tried downloading version 2.2.12 and updating to 2.3 and it worked, so unfortunately I don’t know what the issue was in your case. Witgui relies on an external free tool called Sparkle to update itself.

  7. Is there a naming preset to work with gamecube and usb loader gx. The disk 1 needs to be named game.iso and the disk 2 needs to be named disk2.iso. if i ius {title}/game it works with 1 fisk games but I dont know how to get it to have the correct naming convention for 2 disk games

    1. I’m afraid that the NKit format is not supported by the wit/wwt tools used internally by Witgui, so unless they support it in a future release there’s nothing I can do.

  8. hi, cannot format my usb-stick into wbfs-format. your terminal commands in the help-section doesn’t fix it either. – running macOS Big Sur, V11.6 on a intel i3 macMini with Witgui V2.3
    please help! thx!

    1. Personally, I haven’t used the Wii in a while and cannot say if those methods for mounting the WBFS partition still work. Have you tried using a FAT32 partition instead? It has the added benefit that you can store other files there as well, not only Wii games.

      1. seems that this problem is related to macOS Big Sur. (maybe?) The known procedure runs without any issues on macOS Sierra and no terminal needed. To fix it would be great and very appreciated. Can you please take a look at it? – thx!

  9. When I open a folder with .iso games in it nothing shows up and when I try and drag the games in I get the message ‘No valid games have been found. The selected files are not valid games or do not contain any valid games.’

    Any idea what to do?

  10. Hi again,

    I don’t know if you got my last email – but there’s a new release of WIT as a Universal 2 binary – with Intel and ARM support. https://wit.wiimm.de/download.html

    Is this what you need to implement Apple Silicon support into your program? The problem with the QuickLook seems to be fixed 🙂

    Don’t forget to `xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine` the binaries first, or else it will say the binary is damaged.

    Looking forward to seeing Witgui work on Apple Silicon.


  11. Great app, and wonderful to get some Mac love – with such attention to detail.

    I have a small request – Can you add the ability to rename the WBFS drive/partition? It has a Manufacturers name and I want to label it ‘Wii’ for example.

  12. Hi,

    I’ve been working with Leseratte, who is working in tandem with Wiimm on the next update of wit. It will now be a Universal 2 binary, having support for Intel and ARM.

    It appears that v3.03a introduced a problem with your app’s QuickLook (used for showing game info in Finder), which is causing wit to segfault. v3.02a works fine with it. My Mac’s logs are flooded with crash logs. We have not been able to reproduce this because we don’t know what the actual command QuickLook passes to wit (additionally, your program seems to be closed-source).

    We’re not sure whether Witgui is doing something wrong, or if it’s a problem with wit. Probably the latter. The crash is happening on 10.15.7 and 11.2.3 (2 different Macs).

    Here’s a crash log: https://bit.ly/39KJeji

    Please help us figure out what’s causing these crashes.

    Also, I hope Witgui can get an update soon, you said that it’s not necessary to compile for ARM support since this app is just basically a GUI, but it’d still be nice. Maybe UI adjustments can be made for Big Sur?


    1. I would be happy to add Apple Silicon compatibility, once there is a working wit/wwt version with Universal Binary 2.

  13. Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to add DLC files onto my games on WITGUI? I have the DLC files but am not sure how to input it into the WITGUI application. Thanks!

  14. Seems like this forum is quite active ; so i’ll ask here,
    WitGui is not detecting my Gamecube ISO’s, tho the wii wbfs are working fine. Does witgui support iso? i’m a little confused.

  15. Hi, I’m trying to load .gcm files to my hdd through WITGUI, but WITGUI doesn’t recognise them. I tried renaming them to .ISO but that didn’t help. They work in Dolphin. Any thought on what i’m doing wrong? Thanks!

  16. my mistake, it will fit:
    “The maximum file size on a FAT32 formatted partition is 4 GB or 4,294,967,296 bytes minus 2 bytes”
    -> More like 4.3GB

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