Witgui Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of Witgui, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

In case you’re writing about an issue you’ve encountered, please have a look at the Help topics first, which may already have an answer for you.

Your name and your comment can be made public so that other users can profit as well. Your email will only be used to message you privately. Your comment won’t be published right away, but every single one will be taken care of as soon as possible.


303 responses to “Witgui Contact”

  1. Nick B Avatar

    Hi from another Nick! Great program, thanks for making it 🙂

    I was just wondering, is there/can there be a help page or link for the “Keep only DATA and CHANNEL partitions” prompt that comes up when you drag an iso/ciso onto a Wii formatted HDD?

    I admit I’m a bit of a noob with Wii modding so any sort of extra information would be helpful. I’m mostly wondering *what* DATA/CHANNEL partitions are being kept. Even (preferably tbh) a technical explanation would be great.

    Thanks again!

    1. I have to admit that I barely remember what that option means. I added it a long time ago because a user requested it. From what I remember, unless you have very specific requirements for your games, you can leave that option enabled and it will remove some unnecessary data when copying games. When in doubt, leave it disabled and it will probably not affect the final game size very much. The website of the wit tool (which Witgui is based on) has a technical page about it: https://wit.wiimm.de/info/scrubbing.html#psel

  2. Andy Mason Avatar
    Andy Mason

    This is the best tool for adding games to my SD card!! Bravo to developers. The kicker for me is they even added the convenience “title [id]/id”. What a nice feature. Compiled natively on arm

  3. 0 WBFS partitions found

    Trying to add some more games, but cannot get the Witgui app to detect the SD Card. Running Sonoma 14.6.1.

    It has been a few years since trying to upload more games to this SD Card. Little memory of previous steps, but assumed it would be easy using the GUI as it was before.

    I have run the few Terminal commands for “/dev/diskX” and the `wwt` binary. No change.

    1. If you select File > Format as WBFS, can you see the SD card? I’m asking this to check whether it’s Witgui which cannot detect the SD card, or macOS altogether.

  4. Ruben Ortega Avatar
    Ruben Ortega

    Hello, I am just trying to use Witgui but when I select the folder where I have my roms (.iso) the witgui screen is not displaying anything? could this be related to an specific format or something?

    1. I just created a new help topic that answers your question: Why are my .iso games not listed?

  5. Peyton Weir Avatar
    Peyton Weir

    “It was not possible to determine the current version of wit.”

    I’ve been running into this error ever since I installed witgui, I have no idea what to do about it. Running latest wit, 3.05, on MacOS Sequoia on a M2 2022 MacBook Air. I have no clue what to do, but I really need to split some wbfs files so I can play them on USB Loader GX.

    1. I guess you installed wit 3.05 manually. Have you tried downloading wit from the File menu in Witgui? That version still seems to work.

  6. Wayachine Avatar

    How do I change a iso file to Wbfs, please I don’t know how

    1. How you can convert games is explained in the quick start window that appears when you launch the app. Have you tried that?

  7. Soknok Avatar

    I have downloaded several games that worked in the past that no longer work now, I have attempted to download Gunslingers and Mad Dog using Witgui on my mac I unzip the file rename to the appropriate conventions NAME [code], code.wbfs drag it over, it converts fine and I can see the image artwork. However when I plug the usb into my wii and go to play the game I can see the game but it doesnt actually work. What could be causing past games that worked all of a sudden not work anymore and how do I get new games to work? I need help please. Thanks in advance.

    1. If there are no errors shown in Witgui and you don‘t know what‘s different between when the games worked and now, I‘m afraid I cannot help at all. It might be a conversion problem, or an issue with the USB loader you use on the Wii. But since I only wrote the user interface, if you think the conversion is the problem, you should write to the wit/wwt forum (the internal tools used by Witgui) as described here: Logging and inspecting errors.

  8. gticlay Avatar

    When I try to install the app on my M1 Mac, it says ““Witgui” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.” and “This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.” so I’m doing that now. Also the disc drive on my Wii isn’t working so I’m hoping to convert my discs to digital and put them on the Wii. Is this gonna work? Thank you very much.

  9. when i try to download wit or wwt it says “A server with the specified hostname could not be found.” what should i do

    1. Could you please try to download wit/wwt again? I guess what you got earlier was a temporary server unavailability.

    2. im getting the same issue

      1. Are you still experiencing the issue? I just tried updating wit from within Witgui and it worked.

  10. Bartok Avatar


    When I try to drag games in .wbfs format to my 2Tb USB (formatted to wbfs in the App), it appears the next message: “No valid games have been found.”

    What ‘s going wrong?

    1. admin Avatar

      I replied to your earlier comment by email and to this one as well. Could you have a look at this help topic and show me the output that you get? Logging and inspecting errors

  11. langsaln Avatar

    The game shows up as copied on wiigui but won’t show up on the actual wii. i’ve made sure the file runs on dolphin and i somehow managed to get one game to show up so idrk what im doing wrong. it’s defo something with wiigui tho. am i missing any steps?

    1. I can only suggest to have a look at this help topic and/or visit the link there to the official wit/wwt forum for help: Logging and inspecting errors.

  12. Hi! Thanks so much for keeping Witgui alive over the years. The link to the guide showing how to allow Witgui to detect WBFS partitions without giving everyone root access is 404ing. Can you either fix the link or post instructions here? Thanks!

    1. You’re right, the link opened from the app isn’t valid anymore, but you can still find the correct link in the Help section on the website: Gaining access to WBFS partitions and formatting a partition as WBFS.

  13. How do I backup the games on the WBFS partition to another storage medium?

    1. To extract a game from a WBFS partition, you just do the inverse steps of adding a game to a WBFS partition. How to add a game to a WBFS partition is described here: Adding a game to a WBFS partition.

  14. Hey I just exported some game to put on usb loader GX but the covers aren’t showing is there a way to export the covers from Witgui?

    1. Exporting the downloaded images would be a nice feature, but I’m not sure I currently have the time to implement it. But you can quite easily copy the downloaded images in the Finder. I just created a help topic that you can find here: Can I export the game cover images?

  15. Newbie2023 Avatar

    Hello. New to this but loving the software. I Was able to upload several titles and verify each but all of a sudden when verifying on newer titles, I get the following error and it happens with any title i try to upload.

    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1594
    !! Disc magic not found: /dev/rdisk4
    !! ERROR in wd_open_disc() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#1695
    !! Can’t open wii disc: /dev/rdisk4
    !! wwt: ERROR #47 [WII DISC NOT FOUND] in OpenDiscSF() @ src/lib-sf.c#848
    !! Can’t open Wii disc: /dev/rdisk4

    Not sure how to correct the issue.

    1. It sounds like it could be an issue with the wit tool. You should try reporting this issue on their forum, you can find the link here: Logging and inspecting errors.

      Other than that I can only suggest to try to use a FAT partition instead of WBFS.

  16. Hello, thanks for the wonderful software! I’m having difficulty getting covers to show in USB Loader GX on Wii (I’m not able to take my Wii online). Clearly Witgui downloads the covers (as they display beautifully in Witgui) but is there some way to get USB Loader GX to recognize these covers as well? And if there isn’t currently, could there be an added feature of exporting the game covers as files from Witgui, so I could place them on a USB stick or SD card and point USB Loader GX to that directory?

    1. Exporting the downloaded images would be a nice feature, but I’m not sure I currently have the time to implement it. But you can quite easily copy the downloaded images in the Finder to the SD card. Witgui downloads the images to the directory located at “~/Library/Application Support/Witgui/covers”, where ~ is your home directory. You can navigate to the ~/Library directory in the Finder by pressing the Option key and selecting in the main menu Go > Library.

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