By default, other users’ files cannot be accessed, not even by an administrator. To get access to other users’ files, you have to add explicit permissions.
- In the Finder main menu, select Go > Computer or press
. - Double-click your Mac’s partition (usually named Macintosh HD).
- Double-click the Users folder.
- Double-click the user folder you want to access (in the image below, test). All folders you currently don’t have access to are marked with a red icon. Trying to open one of those folders will cause an error dialog to appear.
- Select the folder you want to access, then in the Finder main menu select File > Get Info or press
. - Click on the Lock icon in the lower right corner of the Get Info dialog, then authenticate yourself by using Touch ID or entering your password.
- Click on the + button in the lower left corner, then select your name in the sheet that appears, and finally click on Select.
- (Optional) The selected user has read-only access by default. To be able to write to the folder, click on the Read only popup button beside the added username and select Read & Write.
- Close the Get Info dialog by clicking the red title bar button or pressing
. - Repeat steps 5-8 for every other folder you want to access.