Witgui Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of Witgui, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

In case you’re writing about an issue you’ve encountered, please have a look at the Help topics first, which may already have an answer for you.

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301 responses to “Witgui Contact”

  1. Hi! Thanks for your great little programm. Works like a charm. I have one question: I want to transfer my games to a bigger drive cause I ran out of space. Is it possible to copy files from one drive to another?

    1. desairem Avatar

      Transferring games between WBFS partitions will be possible in update 2.2.4.

      1. How do we do this?

        1. desairem Avatar

          Just open both partitions and drag a game between the two windows.

  2. I have games on a FAT-32 formatted external drive, using El Capitan. Every time I open witgui or I refresh the list I get a popup error:

    ‘/Volumes/WIIHDD/wbfs’ could not be opened correctly.
    If you have ‘Search in subdirectories’ checked on the Open panel, try to disable it. If the problem persists, make sure you have the privileges to read this file and that you are not following a broken link.

    I do have “Search in subdirectories” checked as each game is in its own directory. If I uncheck that I see no games. However with it checked it lists all the games fine and I can add new ones without a problem, so I don’t know if the error is genuine.

    Also please change the alphabetical ordering to be case insensitive. “de Blob” for example is at the end of my list, right after Zack & Wiki.

    1. desairem Avatar

      Probably the game wasn’t ripped correctly. You can try the following:
      1) Open the Console (in /Applications/Utilities)
      2) Type โ€žWitguiโ€œ in the search field
      3) Look for a double exclamation mark (!!) which usually marks an error message.

  3. dj dynamite Avatar
    dj dynamite

    hi thanks great job wonderful tool my thing is i would like to select all folders hard drive and view all games in one windows and back up the hard drive to another dont know if this is already done in the software if it is dont know how to do it thanks

    1. On Mac OS El Capitan, you have to enable the option “Search in subdirectories” in the Open panel (you first have to click the Option button).

  4. Sooooo. After some mucking about I have the games displayed in witgui interface. And I have an iso on my desktop. I drag iso to interface and a green plus shows up. I release finger from mouse, and it pops back to origin and no copy to witgui. So a big HUH?? Was a WBFS user til 3 years ago and now trying to add games and pass on drive to Daughter.

    1. In Witgui, you also have to install wit in order to add games to a WBFS partition (wwt is not enough). There will be an alert in the next update in case you haven’t installed wit.

  5. I just bought I new external HD to use with my Wii and I want to free the older one. But I can’t seem to be able to copy the games between a WBFS HD to the other.
    The only workaround I found was to copy a game from one WBFS HD to my computer, then from my computer to the new WBFS HD…

    1. Witgui will be able to directly copy games between two WBFS partitions in the next update.

  6. Witgui cant found the disk, only when i tried to give format to it. So i ned to format the disk before I can upload some games to the disk, it doesnt work in antoher way.

    1. You probably used a software that is not compatible with Witgui. Please back up your games and try reformatting your drive with Witgui.

      1. Frederic Avatar

        Hi All,
        Many thanks for the great piece of software – I am just reporting what I think to be the same issue as Isaac: witgui only recognizes my drive if I format it first. I can not just add an iso to the hdd, I always need to format, and recopy all to the drive.
        I am running El Captain 10.11.2 – I only used witgui and I am operating under the case by case sudo access method (which works apparently properly to format the drive)
        Hope you can help me manage the drive more efficiently! thanks anyway

        1. desairem Avatar

          The cause of this issue couldn’t be identified yet, but in update 2.2.4 Witgui will use an alternative method of finding partitions which should always work.

  7. I formatted my USB with Witgui but now my MAC doesn’t recognise it. As soon as I plug it in I receive a message that my USB cannot be read by the computer. I can access it to see the game that I have installed but that’s about it. The problem is that I haven’t installed USB Loader or anything and I cannot run the game from it. Basically my brand new USB is now useless. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

    1. Once a partition is WBFS formatted, you can make it readable by Mac again by using the Disk Utility (in /Applications/Utilities), selecting your drive and formatting as either FAT or HFS+. Please make sure that you know what you do before formatting a drive, since this could erase any other data present on it.

    2. Don’t worry. If you format to read games, MAC will not read it. To use on the wii you need to set up with home-brew then USB loader (or such) on the wii. Then you can plug in drive and good to go.

  8. Hi, i just downloaded the last update and it won’t let me drag and drop a game from one partition to another, is there a new way to transfer/convert a game?

    thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. There is a bug in version 2.2.2 where you can only drag games to the lower left corner of a window when in icon view mode. This will be fixed in the next update.

  9. Hi There,

    thanks for the great tool,
    What would be the Terminal command if you want to revert enable root for everyone please. I am afraid this was the only way to upload the games. I would like to revert the process if I can. Please help

    1. In my experience, it is necessary to make wwt executable as root to add games to WBFS partitions. If you want to undo this action, you can just download wwt again from the File menu.

  10. When opening my WBFS partitioned drive, it opens the appropriate window, loads the games for about 2 seconds, then crashes. I have been using the same drive for about a week now and suddenly have this problem.

    1. This bug will be resolved in the next update.

    2. Just wanted to say I’m experiencing the same thing. The WBFS partitioned disk worked fine yesterday and today crashes as soon as I try to open it. The only thing I can think of that I did different since the last time I used that disk was I used the witgui feature of created a WBFS partition on a different disk.

  11. Great app. Witgui does not show more than 32 files even if there are more on the hdd. using Yosemite 10.10.5. Bug?

    1. This is a bug caused by games that have no title. It will be fixed in the next update.

      1. Same problem here, any workaround until update? Thanks

  12. Using 2.2

    Cannot convert from iso to wbfs file when output name scheme is the default “*title* [*id*]/*id*”. I can when I convert straight to “*id*”, so it seems like WitGui is not able to create the intermediate folder.

    1. desairem Avatar

      This bug will be fixed in version 2.2.1.

      1. Now works like a charm. Thank you.

  13. Kleingeld Avatar

    Hi, I receive an error when trying to transfer or rename with the “title [id]/id” preset. It just says “1 file(s) could not be renamed”

    1. desairem Avatar

      This bug will be resolved in the next update 2.2.

      1. Pedro Fardilha Avatar
        Pedro Fardilha

        Just to add the “me too” to this problem.


  14. Hi,

    wit and wwt update seems to not work. After update, here the version in Application Support :
    wit: Wiimms ISO Tool v2.10a r4118 mac – Dirk Clemens – 2012-10-10
    wwt: Wiimms WBFS Tool v2.27a r4908 mac – Dirk Clemens – 2014-01-31

    But the last version is :
    wit: Wiimms ISO Tool v2.31a r6005 mac – Dirk Clemens – 2015-02-08
    wwt: Wiimms WBFS Tool v2.31a r6005 mac – Dirk Clemens – 2015-02-08


    1. Since no new features were added in the latest releases, I simply didn’t bother to test them, but perhaps I will upload the new version one day.

  15. Latest update (2.1.4) won’t find any partition when asked for “Format as WBFS”. I had to downgrade to 2.1.3.

    1. This is fixed with update 2.1.5.

  16. When I try and drag a file from the database to the partition, the file will not drag. I can only highlight it. I am using mac osx 10.9.5, and the latest install of witgui.

    1. The database shows a list of existing titles, it doesn’t allow to convert any of them.

  17. Hi !

    Thank you for the app. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m using Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10.1) and I can’t download wit or wtt from the app : everytime I click on File>download wit/wtt, I have an “Unzip failed” error. :/
    Any idea on how I could solve that ? Even manually ?
    Of course, I have the latest version of the App and Xcode.

    Thanks for your help.

    1. You can manually download wit or wwt and put it into the folder /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Witgui. You can simply create any missing directories. To enter the hidden /Users/yourusername/Library directory in the Finder, open the menu Go To, keep the alt/opt key pressed and select the new entry Library.

  18. When I open an ISO file this is what I get “If you have ‘Search in subdirectories’ checked on the Open panel, try to disable it. If the problem persists, make sure you have the privileges to read this file and that you are not following a broken link.” I tried everything I could but the results still the same

    1. desairem Avatar

      The error message you get could be shown when one of the loaded games is corrupt. You can check this with the Console app (which you can find in /Applications/Utilities): just search for โ€žWitguiโ€œ in the top right search field and read through the messages that you get. If you find that some game causes an error, usually removing it from the list solves the problem.

  19. Thanks for this great app!

  20. Originally worked fine but noe everytime i go to move a file it crashes. Mac mavericks BTW running 2.1.3

    1. desairem Avatar

      Sorry for this bug, with the new 2.1.3 version this shouldn’t happen anymore. Users who downloaded 2.1.3 before 21:10 GT should download/update it again.

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