SyncTime Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

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813 responses to “SyncTime Contact”

  1. Manfred Jöhnk Avatar
    Manfred Jöhnk


    the two way synchronisation is not optimal.
    1. The comparison of the time stank shall have a tolerance e.g. 2s. or adjustable by the use
    2. The use shall define the handling of in one folder deleted file (deletion, copy) pleas look at your competetor “Sync Folders pro” “Sync Mode”-possibilities.

    Best regards,


    1. I will think of the best way of adding a time tolerance setting in one of the next updates.

  2. Lopetz Avatar

    Hi there. Thanks for the SyncTime which is an all day essential for me !
    I noticed something after loosing several data after the two-way-syncing:
    When renaming a folder or a file, that renamed file or folder will be deleted after syncing with SyncTime on both harddisks. My work around so far is to copy the file or folder prior, then rename it and deleting the original file or folder. Is there a workaround or setting to prevent loosing renaming file or folders? Thanks for your answer.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your data! You’re right, renaming a file in a two-way sync causes it to be deleted and that’s definitely undesired behaviour, which is why this is explained in the help topic Sync types that is linked below the description for the two-way sync selection button. As explained there, you can also work around this by moving files to be removed to the “files to be added“ list from the confirmation panel context menu.

      Unfortunately there’s no easy way to detect renamed files provided by macOS. I’ve been working around this limitation for some time and will publish an update soon that will keep track of renamed files so that two-way syncs become more reliable.

  3. Hi,

    I am trying to sync from my external hard drive to a Google Cloud drive. However, every file comes with the error “The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied”. I’m not sure how to explicitly give permission on my HDD to synctime.

    1. If signing out and in again with Google Drive solves the problem, it‘s probably an issue with Google.

  4. simon mill banks Avatar
    simon mill banks

    Hi, i am trying to select a source folder but an error message comes up ‘the file couldn’t be opened’. please help

    1. If relaunching the app and mounting the volume again (if it‘s not on your local disk) doesn‘t solve the issue, but restarting the Mac does, it is probably an issue with macOS or the third-party app used to mount the volume (if any).

  5. zerofino Avatar

    I like to use the “auto-mount involved volumes” feature, but like to indirectly stop SyncTime by manual dismount and shut down of the server.
    Unfortunately after doing so there appears a blocking dialog window complaining the missing volume, which totally stops SyncTime.
    Instead this behaviour would be favourable:
    – add an error message to the list,
    – do not show a blocking dialog,
    – retry for the server volume at best after a configurable period of waiting,
    – do not add another error message for any failed try,
    – continue operating automatically after server and volume become available again.

    Asking for such a sophisticated feature tells indirectly, how very useful the already existing version is. Hence I was forced to put a donation. 🙂

    1. In the newest SyncTime update there is now an option to reconnect after a specified amount of time, without showing error messages for failed reconnection attempts. You can find it in the custom sync schedules window.

  6. Mark Robinson Avatar
    Mark Robinson


    I have a couple of questions regarding the custom scheduling in your app.

    Your notes say: The “once a day/week/month” options impose some further restrictions. Could you let me know what these restrictions are.

    Also, if the destination folder is not available at the scheduled time for the sync, will the sync be automatically performed when the folder becomes available or will that sync be skipped?

    Many thanks.


    1. I have to admit that the in-app explanation of the sync schedule can be confusing. I will try to find a better one for the next update. What I wanted to say with that note is that the “once a day/week/month” are also automated schedules, but are executed less often according to the respective title. So there’s no restriction other than the fact that they are executed “only” once a day/week/month.

      If the source or destination volumes are not available at the scheduled sync time, the sync is run as soon as they become available.

      I just added a new help topic on the website regarding sync schedules that says exactly this: Sync schedules.

  7. Bowlsys Avatar

    Could you add the ability to save the profiles (& restore them)?

    1. I think what you’re looking for is this: Export sync items.

  8. Schnegg Edgar Avatar
    Schnegg Edgar

    I put 1 star in app store reviews because SincTime just won’t open after the latest macOS Monterey Version 12.4 update on a Mac mini (M1, 2020).
    I reinstalled the app from App Store, searched for information on the net, nothing helped.
    I posted my comment on May 22 and didn’t get a response until June 7. To make sensitive backups, it is not effective.
    I would have liked to send you a screenshot, but your configuration for contacting you does not allow it.
    Best regards.

    1. admin Avatar

      I’m sorry for the late answer. Admittedly, I found out that I had a bunch of unread App Store reviews for which I didn’t get a notification from Apple. I already alerted Apple of this problem years ago, and some issues they only solve years later, or not at all. Also, reviews are moderated by Apple before they become visible, so there’s a delay as well. I can provide the best support if you contact me on the website, and you’ll be able to attach images once I reply to your message by email.
      This issue should now be been fixed with the latest update.

  9. Kolbe Richard Avatar
    Kolbe Richard

    Hello dear SyncTime team,
    In itself, SyncTime works wonderfully on my MacMini M1 with OS 12.3.1.

    I only have one question ;
    Namely when I have synchronized two folders – folder A on the NAS with folder A on the MAC in the iCloud, but for reasons of space use the iCloud function to save storage space on the MAC and remove the downloads so that the data is in the iCloud , they are displayed on the MAC, but use little/no memory and I then restart the sync – will all data be completely overwritten again even though they are there?!???

    Or does SyncTime have a problem with the function Apple ICloud and optimize storage or remove downloads and therefore does not work?

    That would be annoying, of course, because everything is overwritten every time and the memory is always full.

    Unfortunately I can’t find any settings either.

    Kind regards
    Richard Kolbe

    1. admin Avatar

      When you have an iCloud Drive file that is not downloaded locally, it’s actually a separate file that acts as a placeholder for the real one and that in the Finder appears with the same name as the real file. Under the hoods, such placeholder files currently start with a dot and have an additional .icloud extension, so SyncTime sees these as different files, which is probably not what you’re expecting.
      Perhaps in one of the next updates I could change the behaviour so that files named “.A.icloud” are automatically translated to “A”, but right now I don’t know if this could have some unwanted side effects.

  10. Pavel Avatar


    It would also be nice if you let users enable showing the app icon in the Dock and in the Bar menu at the same time. Since I used to that many other apps working like this, and you were asked about showing the Menu bar icon many times.

  11. Steve Gandy Avatar
    Steve Gandy

    Can I download a trial version?

    1. admin Avatar

      You can download SyncTime Lite on the App Store. Please refer to the App Store page for more details.

  12. Pavel Avatar


    Could you please update all your app icons according to Big Sur’s guidelines – ?

    1. admin Avatar

      I’m in the process of gradually updating the icons with the new updates, although there are some difficulties that make it a lengthier process than one would imagine. They will be available as soon as they are ready.

  13. Hi,
    Want to sync a folder on a password-protected WEBDAV-server, but can’t find an option to enter username and password for a source or destination in the SyncTime app.
    Otherwise a great app. 🙂

    1. SyncTime relies on the Finder for mounting volumes. If you have a password protected volume, you can first mount it in the Finder and enable the option to store the credentials in the keychain. Then you can start the corresponding sync in SyncTime even if the volume is unmounted: the Finder should take care of mounting it automatically.

  14. Bob Fahrenholtz Avatar
    Bob Fahrenholtz

    Hi! I’ve been using SyncTime Lite for a few months and find it quite useful for keeping copies of a small number of folders on my hard drive to an external one. It works great for this simple requirement.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature allowing only files older than a given period, say 2 years, to be moved while leaving newer files in place. I feel this would be useful for keeping my iCloud 50GB drive space requirements in check and making the most of a 1TB internal SSD. A subsequent move could then transfer even older files off the internal drive to an external one.

    I could write a script to do so but I’d rather pay to upgrade to the full version of SyncLite app if this would be added.

    Thanks for listening.

    1. What you’re describing sounds like a sync item with the one-way move sync type, filtering for files older than a certain amount of time (which is not possible at the moment). That’s an interesting use case. I will try to implement some additional filter possibilities in a future update.

  15. Hi there. I’m trying to use Synctime to sync only image files from one folder to another. I’ve used filters to create an inclusive list of the file extensions that I want to include. However, when I execute the sync, all files are synced and not just the inclusive filters list. Is there a way to exclude all files except those on the inclusive list?

    1. You just have to exclude the source folder itself (e.g. by adding it to the “Filter following files” table), and then only the included files will be copied. You can read more about this on this help topic: Filters.

  16. Robert Kemp Avatar
    Robert Kemp

    I clicked on “show Dock icon” just to see what it looked like. I find I don’t need it, and the icon in the Menu Bar has disappeared. I use the Menu Bar icon all the time. How can I get it back? I can’t spot any way to do it. Thanks.

    1. What you’re looking for is the SyncTime > Show Dock icon menu item. If you uncheck it, the menu bar icon will appear again.

  17. Hello, superb piece of software!

    My scenario is that I want to copy folders and large files from a smb-share over VPN. That in itself works very well.
    In a specific folder on that share I want to sync only certain files as I dont want to clutter my Mac with many big files but I still would like to see them and access them (in slower time over VPN).
    Is it possible to still see the non-synchronized files. Like accessing them over a syslink or so?

    Then it would be helpful to have some sort of icons indicating whether these files or even the whole destination was in sync over SyncTime. I’m kind of leaning on owncloud’s implementation of a virtual filesystem and client icons here. (See: and

    1. I never thought of this use case, but the more I think of it, the more a feature where you can selectively create symlinks would be useful to me as well, and potentially other users. Since it’s a completely new feature, it would require some time to implement, so please don’t expect it anytime soon.

  18. francisco javier avila Avatar
    francisco javier avila

    Buenos dias. Las copias diarias siempre se hacen a las 0,00 horas. Hay forma de cambiar esa hora? ponerla en otro intervalo de tiempo? Gracias

    1. I don’t know Spanish, but the automatic translator tells me you’re looking for an option to run syncs at a custom time. Currently there’s no such option, but I’m working on an update that will hopefully solve your issue.

  19. Hello! I have SyncTime launching at login in the Sys Prefs panel. I want it to copy files over to my Google Drive.

    However when my Mac is first started for the day the G Drive hasn’t yet mounted, it takes a few moments. SyncTime tries to start copying and then fails with an error message.

    Do you know of a way I could launch SyncTime say a minute or so after my Mac has booted so that the G Drive will be ready to go?

    1. With the sync schedule set to Automatic, enabling the option “Do not auto-mount involved volumes” in the sync item’s Advanced settings tab should make sure that the sync is started only when the Google Drive volume has been mounted.

  20. I’m probably going to buy SyncTime for my Mac. But first, I’d like to know whether it will run on a M1 Mac when I get one of those. Thanks in advance for answering.

    1. Yes, SyncTime is a Universal app that also runs on M1 Macs.

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