uFocus Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of uFocus, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

In case you’re writing about an issue you’ve encountered, please have a look at the Help topics first, which may already have an answer for you.

Your name and your comment can be made public so that other users can profit as well. Your email will only be used to message you privately. Your comment won’t be published right away, but every single one will be taken care of as soon as possible.


177 responses to “uFocus Contact”

  1. After selecting the Print… command from the File menu uFocus quits unexpectedly. This problem does not occur for other apps such as TextEdit and Preview.

    1. I fixed the crash and just published an update on the App Store.

  2. Hello! After the newest update there is a problem on my iPhone. Headings, bold and italic pieces of text changed to the default monospaced font while I prefer to use this app in serif. The rest text is in serif as it should be. I re-downloaded the app but no result.

    1. You’re absolutely right, that was un unintentional change in the latest update. I corrected this and sent an update to Apple that should be approved in the next few hours.

      1. Great, thanks!

  3. I am running uFocus for iOS on an iPhone 13 Mini. When I create a new file it starts the text next to the notch at the top of the phone and continues writing behind the notch, scrolling off the phone. It makes the app unusable. Might there be something that I am doing wrong? Is it to do with my phone size? Something else?

    1. This issue is related to the “Keep active line fixed” setting which should always keep the active line at the same height. Unfortunately, iOS has some issues that sometimes prevent this setting from working as it should. I will fix this particular issue with the next update, but it’s still possible that with this setting enabled you’ll encounter other issues. In this case, the best thing to do is to turn it off: tap the button with the ellipsis in the upper right corner, then tap on Modus, and then disable “Keep active line fixed”.

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