uFocus Contact

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204 responses to “uFocus Contact”

  1. Wonderful app! This is the closest thing I’ve found to turning my iPhone (with external keyboard) into a Freewrite or typewriter (or, for that matter, Cold Turkey Writer on the Mac). The ability to disable deletion is a game changer. I just have one feature request: is it possible to disable spell checking in the iPhone version? I find the red underlining very distracting when banging out a rough first draft (especially with deletion disabled!).

    1. That’s correct, on iOS there’s currently no way to disable spell checking. I’ll add it to the next update.

  2. Stumbled upon a bug that caused me to lose about 2,000 words.

    I was writing a blog post. I looked up to my second screen and wanted to close a browser tab using Cmd+W. I didn’t realise uFocus was the active window and it tried to close the open file.

    Thankfully, uFocus asked me if I wanted to save. It automatically put the cursor in the “name” box so that I could name my file. I pressed Cmd+Backspace to clear the existing file name and uFocus crashed – deleting my file in the process.

    Note: The save dialog you get when you press Cmd+S isn’t the same as the save dialog you get when you Cmd+W.

    Very pretty, minimalist editor and I *want* to like it a lot.

    1. I’ve never used Command-Backspace in a save dialog before, but it seems that this is a shortcut for the Delete button in that dialog. In the Finder, this is a shortcut for deleting files, too. To delete text, including the filename in the save dialog, you should only use Backspace. Is there a specific reason that made you think that uFocus crashed, other than the document was closed? After a crash, you should get a macOS dialog “The app closed unexpectedly” or something similar.

      The save dialog shown when saving or closing an unsaved document is different and controlled by macOS. These are the standard dialogs shown for other apps, too.

  3. Another John Avatar
    Another John

    Fantastic app!

    If I could just request one thing, I think someone else–jd–has requested it as well, line height. I’d like the option to set it to double in the editor view. Other heights as well, if that’s possible. I like my text to breathe a little.

    I really appreciate the effort that went into this app. It has replaced my old writing app completely. So thank you!

    Kind regards,


    1. I’m glad to hear that you like the app. I’ve noted your request and I will see what I can do in the next update.

  4. Abdessalaam Avatar

    Beautiful app! Is there a way to enable RTL support (specificallt, Arabic?). Ideally it should happen automatically, when the input changes to Arabic – it would also allow writing in two language systems, rtl and ltr.

    1. I have to admit that I know very little about how RTL works in macOS. I’m going to experiment a little with different options and I’ll let you know when an update is available.

  5. Excellent app, thank you so much. My only request would be an option to change the line height in the editor view. (I like my text a little more compact while I’m writing.)

    1. I’ll see what I can do in the next update.

  6. Amazing app! Now, with CriticMarkup, it is even better! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad to hear that you like it.

  7. Hello, when using this app on an iPhone 14 Pro I’ve noticed that if I write enough to get to the bottom of the visible screen (above the keyboard) the app will “bounce” with every new letter written. It is not impossible to use but very difficult to focus on. The entire text area seems to jump up and down with each new character.

    1. I wasn’t aware of this, as I always use the hardware keyboard on the iPad. I will fix this in the next update, which will be out very soon.

  8. Nick Sloan Avatar

    One of the very best clean MD editors. Just two requests:

    1. Either provide custom options for heading formatting, or at least make one of the heading levels body size but bold. At the moment they seem to me to jump from too large to too light.

    2. Support MD ==highlighting==

    Personally I would also value the option of dynamically hiding MD formatting (as per Typora), but I can see that would be a contentious one to MD purists.

    Many thanks, Nick

    1. With increasing heading levels the font weight should decrease from bold to less bold, only that’s only noticeable with a few fonts that support dynamic font weights. All other fonts suddenly switch from bold to normal after a certain threshold. I’ll change this so that the smallest font weight still looks bold with most fonts.

      The CriticMarkup notation of MultiMarkdown defines 5 notations to comment on and correct text: {++addition++}, {—deletion—}, {~~replaced~>replacement~~}, {==highlight==} and {>>comment<<}. I think that's really neat and one day could be integrated to quickly accept and reject changes to a corrected text. I will think about it and possibly include it in one of the next updates. I know there are some users who would like an editable preview (i.e. dynamic hiding of the Markdown formatting), but that’s currently out of the scope of uFocus. I simply don’t have enough time to play around with such a feature (at this time).

  9. Alexander Dawson Avatar
    Alexander Dawson

    I have a number of markdown files stored in folders on iCloud.

    MacOS is able to import them correctly without issue but the iOS app upon importing the master folder misses a number of markdown files for no particular reason.

    Can this be resolved because currently the iOS app is unusable in its current state when it refuses to recognise the existence of certain files. Note that none contain any unusual characters or are exceedingly long or anything that would cause conflicts.

    1. Could it be that the missing iCloud files are not downloaded locally? I would try to check in the Files app if they are and if necessary download them from the context menu.

  10. Would you consider letting us use installed fonts as well? In specific, I’d like to use iA Writer and IBM Plex. They’re installed, but don’t show upon the appearance menu.

    1. I wasn’t aware that installed fonts were not available in the current font selector. I will change that in the next uFocus update.

  11. I really like the app and I’m happy to report it also works on the Vision Pro. Are you ever considering a Vision Pro native version that uses the default translucent glass look of VisionOS windows?

    1. I never had the opportunity to use one and I’m not sure if many people would use it for writing. Could you perhaps share a little bit more about your experience? In any case, for the moment you shouldn’t have high hopes that there will be a Vision Pro port. Maybe one day, after I had a chance to test it.

  12. Thanks for the great app!

    1. How can I save a pdf or print on iOS/iPadOS with Markdown formatting applied?
    I don‘t have an option in the print panel.

    2. Are you considering adding the support for Markdown task lists?
    – [x] done
    – [ ] undone

    Thanks for your work.

    1. Currently, the only way to save a document by applying Markdown attributes is to export it as HTML, which you can then print or export as PDF from the Files app.

      I will change the Print dialog in the next update so that you can choose to apply Markdown attributes directly.

      I don’t have plans for adding support for task lists.

  13. Hello,

    I am using the uFocus app on my iPhone (iOS 18.0.1). The following settings are enabled:

    Markdown formatting
    Keep active line fixed
    Typewriter sounds
    However, I’m facing an issue. When I launch the app, the “Introduction” file appears, but I can’t edit it. I also don’t understand how to create a new file. Could you please guide me on how to do this?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    1. The introduction shows how you can link a library, within which you can then open and create documents.

      1. Thank you for your reply, but I already figured it out yesterday. I now understand how to use the app. It turns out that you need to add a folder first. I connected my entire iCloud, and then, by selecting the needed folder, I was able to create new documents. The issue is resolved. Thank you!

  14. After selecting the Print… command from the File menu uFocus quits unexpectedly. This problem does not occur for other apps such as TextEdit and Preview.

    1. I fixed the crash and just published an update on the App Store.

  15. Hello! After the newest update there is a problem on my iPhone. Headings, bold and italic pieces of text changed to the default monospaced font while I prefer to use this app in serif. The rest text is in serif as it should be. I re-downloaded the app but no result.

    1. You’re absolutely right, that was un unintentional change in the latest update. I corrected this and sent an update to Apple that should be approved in the next few hours.

      1. Great, thanks!

  16. I am running uFocus for iOS on an iPhone 13 Mini. When I create a new file it starts the text next to the notch at the top of the phone and continues writing behind the notch, scrolling off the phone. It makes the app unusable. Might there be something that I am doing wrong? Is it to do with my phone size? Something else?

    1. This issue is related to the “Keep active line fixed” setting which should always keep the active line at the same height. Unfortunately, iOS has some issues that sometimes prevent this setting from working as it should. I will fix this particular issue with the next update, but it’s still possible that with this setting enabled you’ll encounter other issues. In this case, the best thing to do is to turn it off: tap the button with the ellipsis in the upper right corner, then tap on Modus, and then disable “Keep active line fixed”.

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