uFocus Contact

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210 responses to “uFocus Contact”

  1. Hey, love this program a lot (and really wish there was an iPad version!). One suggestion: the do-not-delete mode might be even more useful if it was set up so that you could edit the current sentence, but not be able to go back and edit or delete previous sentences (so once a sentence was ended with a period or exclamation point or question mark, you couldn’t edit it anymore). This would help me cut down on my egregious typos but still keep me moving forward on a first draft.

    1. admin Avatar

      That’s an interesting idea. I will think about it and possibly implement it in one of the next updates.

  2. When I type Chinese using macOS keyboard input source “Pinyin – Simplified”, there is a bug in the uFocus dark mode. In the light mode, I can see the pinyin in the text editor and a popup menu showing Chinese characters corresponding to the pinyin. In the dark mode, the popup menu is still visible, but the pinyin itself is invisible in the text editor (the pinyin appears to have a dark text, the same color as the dark background). After I select a Chinese character from the popup menu, this character will again be visible in the text editor, regardless of the mode.

    Can uFocus make the intermediate pinyin input the same color as the final Chinese character (i.e. the color of any English character from the input source “U.S.”).

    Since this bug is a little hard to describe in words, I will be happy to send you screenshots if you contact me by email.

    1. I will try to fix this in the next update.

  3. Hey!
    Can you please add the option to keep all the text in the center of the screen?
    I know I can work in a window and keep large margins on the side, but it want the fullscreen for distraction free experience plus be able to keep my eyes in the center of the screen.
    Thank you for the best writing app team, keep up the good work!
    PS. Hope you can update to M1 architecture soon!

    1. It sounds like you have the Editor Size L which has no margins. When you use the Editor Size S or M, the text has side margins that make it more centered.

  4. Thank you for such a great free app – it’s almost “a better TextEdit,” and I appreciate most of the idiosyncratic touches. My foremost wish is the ability to select custom background and text colours.

    1. I’ll have to think about this, since being able to adjust colors could be quite a distraction.

  5. Hi,
    I haven’t used uFocus much since I installed a few weeks ago. Today I gave it a go and I see that almost every time I launch it, an error message pops up: “The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format”. It is displayed even if I just launch uFocus without any specific file. Once I click OK, the app launches normally.
    I am running Catalina on a 2015 MacBook Air.

    1. You’re right, this kind of error is currently displayed for libraries that are no more reachable, such as after deleting one permanently. I will fix this in the next update so that the alert is not displayed anymore.

  6. Hey there,

    regarding to my AppStore Review I want to say “thank you” for your reply.
    I asked for a shortcut to open a new tab. Unfortunately Cmd+T doesn’t work on my instance.
    I further asked for multi-layer lists. What I actually mean is to create lists with more than one layer like:

    – List Item
    – Sub Item 1
    – Sub Item 2
    – Sub-sub Item 1
    – Another list item
    I expact for multi-layer-lists that they do correct paragraph formatting with inserting space on the left by line-break. And if I type return I expect to add another list item on the same layer.
    iA Writer have a feature like this an it is very helpful to structure notes.

    1. You can quickly create new documents inside the library with Cmd-Shift-N, but I will look into adding a shortcut for new tabs. I will also add autocompletion for nested list items.

  7. 1. An option for show only the note titles on the file explorer
    2. The possibility to focus and nav on the file explorer just using the keyboard
    – For example: ctrl+0 to focus on file explorer > arrows up and down to nav > enter to rename > cmd enter to open a file > arrow right to open a folder > arrow left to close a folder
    3. Preview images on editor
    4. Links beetween notes
    5. Tag recognition
    6. Post to medium
    7. Differentiate markdown elements on the editor

    1. 1 and 2 I have added to the recent update, which also draws headings differently (7). 3 will maybe come at some point, but is not my top priority. 6: I won’t add a share button to specific websites or services, because this could easily attract requests for more services and this should rather be addressed by providing a Share extension to their own apps. 4 and 5 I don’t understand what you mean, please clarify.

  8. Daniel Ting Avatar
    Daniel Ting


    First of all thanks for making this super clean app for free and answering questions here so promptly. I have two suggestions that would make it perfect:

    1) When I open the following document, uFocus will only render the text in a very narrow column on the left side of my screen:

    My document: https://pastebin.com/5xC4YWiP
    What it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/gMvPNpX

    For the record, that wasn’t the actual document I was working on. I just replaced my text with nonsense, and I think it only happens at a certain length. This really sucks because every time I open my actual document I have to copy the whole thing, delete everything, reopen the file (which fixes the bug), and paste everything back in. This also makes the status bar with the word and character count, which were great motivators, useless since it counts everything I pasted in.

    2) Turning on the typewriter sounds adds noticeable latency (about 150 ms according to https://input-delay.glitch.me) from character press to screen update. (For more information about typing latency you can read https://pavelfatin.com/typing-with-pleasure.) The typewriter sounds are a really satisfying feature and it would be even better if I could use them without sacrificing performance.

    I would really appreciate these two nitpicks being addressed, and again, thanks for your work.

    1. I will fix the issue with the narrow text (which apparently happens only when you have the scrollbars shown permanently), but unfortunately I couldn’t reproduce the issue with the delay.

  9. Hi There,
    First I’d like to thank you for the app. Simple but this is all I need. I have one suggestion, the dark theme, I think the text needs more contrast. I always use half of the brightness and I feel that the text is a bit harder to read. Please check both images below, so you can understand what I mean.

    1. https://monosnap.com/direct/00szDcIoPh3orxMzksIDtnotXUPv63
    2. https://monosnap.com/direct/1sDj53lBAecErAAarlF4td6gGxQ2n0


    1. I can improve the contrast a little bit, but other users requested in the past that in dark mode it should be lower so that the text does not appear too bright. I will try to find a compromise.

  10. rajesh m Avatar
    rajesh m

    can i save the document in pdf format ? pls help

    1. Have you tried File > Print > Save as PDF?

  11. Carson Stevens Avatar
    Carson Stevens

    How do I create a new document?

    1. You can create a new document with the standard macOS procedure: by selecting File > New (Cmd-N) or if you have a library open Library > New Document (Cmd-Shift-N).

  12. Hello Nicolas,

    I recently noticed a bug that wasn’t there before. When I change the font (and/or the font size), the text color goes black. In dark mode, this is easier to see as the text almost disappears, but even in Sepia, you can see the default text color become darker.

    I either change the theme and then go back, or I turn on/off the highlighting mode to fix it temporarily. It’s not a major issue obviously but still wanted to let you know.

    Sagan K.

    1. I will fix this in the next update. I’m glad for reporting any kind of issue (regardless of how small it might be) or suggestion.

  13. Will there be a version for Linux? The closest thing we have is Quilter (https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.lainsce.quilter/) but it has a few drawbacks that uFocus doesn’t.

    Great work!

    1. No, unfortunately no uFocus version for Linux is planned. I’m one guy doing this in my free time and it’s already hard enough keeping up to date with one operating system, I hope you understand.

  14. Hi,
    I’m running Mac OS 10.14 on a Mid-2012 MacBook Pro. Since I have upgraded to uFocus 3.6.8 the application does not open. Can you help me download the version 3.6.7 while this issue is looked at?


    1. I fixed the issue and the update should be approved today.

      1. Thank you the quick repair. I just installed uFocus 3.6.9 and it works great on my OS X 10.10.5 system. No problems with anything on the “View” menu–themes, fonts, text sizes, editor sizes, everything works great. Thank you so much.

  15. Hello:

    I’m so sorry. I’m having trouble with uFocus 3.6.7. I have a Mid-2009 2.53 Ghz MacBook Pro (Model MC118LL/A – A1286) with OS X 10.10.5 and all of the latest updates.

    Although it’s always available as an update in my copy of the Apple Mac App Store, I am having trouble with running uFocus 3.6.7. Everything works in it just fine unless I choose “Dark Theme,” “Font,” “Text Size,” or “Editor Size” from the “View” menu. Then the application locks up and crashes. OS X is unaffected.

    I have an older copy of uFocus 3.5.5 and everything works. I’m able to choose all of these choices from the “View” menu that I cannot make in uFocus 3.6.7..

    If there’s anyway I can be of help, please let me know. And thank you again.

    1. This issue will be fixed with the upcoming update, which will be published in the next days.

      1. Thank you. You’re very kind.

        uFocus 3.5.5 works terrific. It’s a really nice piece of software, but I keep getting notifications to update to v. 3.6.7 and I can’t make that jump yet.

        If there’s anything I can help with, please let me know. I really appreciate the work that you’re doing. Take care.

        1. You should be able to update to the newest version, the bug you reported previously is now fixed.
          By the way, I tried replying to your email but I always receive a delivery failure notification.

  16. Philip C. Partington Avatar
    Philip C. Partington

    Hi again! I’ve been making good use of uFocus. Thank you again for your quick response last time 🙂

    I noticed that, with typescrolling on, every time the end of line is reached, the scroll bar briefly flashes. Technically this makes sense as far as the OS is concerned. It is, however, distracting to see the side of the screen flash every few seconds.

    I recognize this is likely challenging to hide. However, if you could find a way, that would be amazing!

    Thank you.

    1. Philip C. Partington Avatar
      Philip C. Partington

      Sorry, I really should stop speaking so soon! This problem is alleviated by making sure the text is scrolled up to its highest position. Anything lower causes the scroll bar to appear briefly when each new line is reached. Not difficult to work around.

      1. I’m always happy to hear about any suggestion and issue that you might have, because this allows me to improve the app and make it appealing to even more users. I never noticed the scrollbars flashing when typewriter scrolling is enabled, so it’s good that you bring this to my attention. I will certainly fix this in the next update.

  17. Özgür Avatar


    I’d like to request a bug related to Library search box.

    I mostly use the dark theme. However, sometimes I switch to the light theme from the dark.
    In the light theme, typed text is white-colored so it is not visible in the search box.
    Switching to sepia and reverting back to light theme solves the problem.

    Below is the link for the screenshots.

    macOS 10.14.6
    uFocus latest version


    1. This issue has been fixed with the newest update.

  18. Philip C. Partington Avatar
    Philip C. Partington


    After an embarrassingly long hunt, I’ve finally found the distraction free writer for me. Thank you!

    I’m not sure if this is intended or not, but typescrolling, at least on my computer, keeps the line roughly 2/3 of the way down the page. Preferably this would be higher, for neck strain reasons, but it’s certainly not the end of the world!

    More pressing I think is the app state between launches. Currently the app opens to the file open window and then opening any file shows it in a default small window. It would be really great if uFocus remembered the open windows before quitting, so that for example the previous document would return to fullscreen if that is how it was before quitting.

    These are only humble feature requests, not bugs! Thank you so much for this amazing software.

    1. Philip C. Partington Avatar
      Philip C. Partington

      Oh, a followup for my blunder: I had my system settings wrong! Windows are restoring as expected now. 🙂 Sorry about that.

    2. I will increase the top and bottom margins to be 1/2 of the screen height in the next update, so that you can position the cursor in the middle of the screen.

  19. Anthoney Baker Avatar
    Anthoney Baker

    Hello from the heartland of America. (well, the midwest anyways)

    I love uFocus. Truly, I’ve only had it installed for about two weeks and already the program has fixed the one fatal flaw that prevented me from making it my “go-to” text editor. (it was that jumping whenever I pressed the spacebar.”

    Now there is another issue, it’s with Version 3.6.3 (66).

    I am getting a “this app suddenly quit” error. The app didn’t really suddenly quit, it just thinks it did. As far as I can tell it’s working fine, but the error shows up just the same.

    I understand how much effort goes into making an app work flawlessly, it’s the holy grail of any application. Now listen, the jumping when I pressed the spacebar was a deal-breaker, but now that’s fixed! I am ready to replace Microsoft Word with uFocus, truly. I just wanted to point out the error that makes the program think something went wrong when really nothing did.

    I imagine you are a small team, working endlessly to chase down these bugs, I feel you. (that’s an American expression meaning, “I sympathize with what you must be going through.” You are very close to making the perfect word processor, and that in itself is a monumental achievement. Add this accomplishment to the mere fact this app is free and you have secured your place among the greatest apps there is.

    If there is a way to donate to your team I will find it and make a contribution. You see, I’ve been using Microsoft word for 8 years on this computer, and now I am being told it won’t work with the next update to iOS. That is what brought me to uFocus. I tried many other word processing programs, but uFocus has proven itself to be supreme, especially since the update that stops the page from jumping when I press the spacebar.

    I only inform you of the “suddenly quit” error as a formality It is NOT a deal-breaker, like the jumping text was.

    If I may make one observation it is this: Next to my laptop there is a manual typewriter. It’s a Remington Quiet-Writer circa 1955. I love typing on my Quiet-Writer but I lothe (hate) re-typing what I have written, that’s what lead me to using microsoft in the first place. Now, in my search for a replacement of Microsoft word I searched many apps, one I found was called, um, Origin. ( Who really cares? it’s paid app.) The one, and I mean “singular” thing Origin does that uFocus does not do is “focus” the text in one place while the user types. Let me give you an example as this is hard to explain. When I am typing on the typewriter the letters are being stuck right in the middle of the page. Meaning, my typed words are fixed and the “paper” moves around them. In most word processors the page is compiled with text moving left to right, just like a word processor. But, and I mean BUT, in my search for a new word processor to replace Microsoft Word, I noticed how “familiar” the feeling was to have the text stay still and the page move around it. If you are still confused as to what I mean try out the Origin app, the paper stays still and the words are created right in the center of the page, just like on my Remington Quiet-Writer (Circa 1955).

    If you can figure out a way to “move the paper around the text” like a typewriter (and like the cheesy “give us $5 to unlock more word count documents” Origin you would rule the day. (Which is another American expression that means “kick ass”.)

    So there you have it. I look forward to writing my next big thing on uFocus and I will gladly support you and your future app development.

    Cheers from Minneapolis, Minnesota. USA.

    Anthoney Baker

    1. The crash was fixed in the newest update. I will see what I can do to offer a mode where the cursor always stays fixed on screen, but I cannot promise anything at this point.

  20. Hello there. I love your application but it has one very-very annoying thing that breaks down Focus philosophy. Especially after update! Every time when you push space the whole text makes little jump and that scroll thing on the right always appear. I do not know why you do not solve it because it is so annoying that I can’t even use it anymore. Whole text always jumps and distract you. Besides this, the application is perfect!

    P. S. I also would like to see XXL text size option. It would be great!

    Thanks for attention.

    1. The issue with the typewriter scrolling has been fixed in the newest update.

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