Witgui Contact

If you want to report a problem or suggest a new feature for the next version of Witgui, please write a comment on this page. Every feedback is welcome!

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301 responses to “Witgui Contact”

  1. Asheen Levrai Avatar
    Asheen Levrai

    Hi 🙂

    I used WitGui in Catalina to split a 7.99GB wbfs game (MPtrilogy) into files smaller than 4GB (compatible with FAT32 disks).
    The end result is 2 files:
    – 1st file is .wbfs and is 4.3GB (4294934528 bytes) and
    – 2nd is .wbf1 and is 3.69GB (3693117440 bytes).

    Everything occurred as expected except for the size of the 1st file. 4.3GB isn’t going to fit on a FAT32 disk, right?
    What happened?
    How can I fix that?
    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    1. Did you actually try to copy the .wbfs file to the FAT32 partition? I haven’t been using FAT32 partitions for a while, but in my experience it used to work.

  2. Hi 🙂

    How do I convert an iso file (Wii game) into a wbfs file?

    1. Please have a look at the instructions given in the Quick Start window. Also note that the NKit format is not supported by wit/wwt to my knowledge.

  3. Witgui is not compatible with the latest version of wit (v3.03a). Any plans for an update?

    I’m a Senior SW engineer and I’m willing to help if that is of interest.

    1. For some reason unknown to me, macOS doesn’t allow Witgui to run the wit 3.03a executable, but still allows the 3.02a version and running wit 3.03a from the Terminal also works if you first open it by right-clicking it in the Finder and selecting Open from the context menu. It’s not a compatibility issue, it’s probably some macOS security feature that I can’t quite understand, so I’ll leave the 3.02a version linked to the “File > Download/Update” menu.

  4. Hola, a la hora de formatear el USB a WBFS, me dice que me asegure de tener permisos para formatearlo. no se como dar los permisos o como solucionarlo

    Hi, when formatting the USB to WBFS, it tells me to make sure I have permissions to format it. I don’t know how to give the permissions or how to fix it

  5. Are you going to update this app for Apple Silicon support?

    1. Existing apps should run on Apple Silicon even without an update. Witgui is only a user interface for the command line tools wit and wwt, so it wouldn’t make much of a difference from the performance point of view.

  6. Where are removed games stored?

    1. Files removed from a WBFS partition might be recoverable using the appropriate menu command, but normal files are not stored and not recoverable.

  7. I have several WBFS drives that previously worked fine but that are no longer being recognized by Witgui… How do I resolve this? It seems to have happened since my Mac OS updated to 10.15.6 (Catalina)… Please help

    1. Please try downloading wwt again from the File menu and making sure that you select “Yes, I want” in the dialog that appears when the download completes. You can read more about this here: Gaining access to WBFS partitions and formatting a partition as WBFS.

  8. Nasser Avatar

    I have recently switched from Windows to MacOS and have been recommended to use WITGUI by other Mac users online. So far I am very happy with the GUI.

    I do however need some help converting WBFS files from my MacBook to an External HDD. Previously with Wii Backup Manager on Windows, the application would automatically create a WBFS folder (if not available) on the root of the destination drive and each game conversation would be created within its very own sub folder inside the WBFS folder. I have noticed that WITGUI does not apply this during conversion. I have noted that there are presets for renaming the files which is great but nothing otherwise on creating game folders within the WBFS root folder on HDD. Am I missing something? I did follow the steps provided in the guide. Thanks for support. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. admin Avatar

      In the panel where you enter the filename for the converted game, you can make use of the “/” character to create folders.

  9. Sunny Avatar

    How do I convert a wbfs to ISO so that it can be burned to disk ?

    1. admin Avatar

      Have you followed the instructions on the Quick Start window?

  10. David Avatar

    Hello how are you
    Im asking for help with an error code i keep getting.
    Th error code is ERROR #84
    i aint sure if its the iso im using or my computer

    1. admin Avatar

      Either try to get another image of the game, or try to write to the forum about wit which is used internally by Witgui: https://gbatemp.net/threads/wwt-wit-wiimms-wbfs-iso-tools.182236/

  11. I’m trying to split .wbfs files larger than 4GB, and load them onto a fat32 file system. Whenever I choose the 4GB option in Witgui, I find that the first file is split to 4.36GB (approx). This files size is just small enough to be successfully loaded onto a fat32 file system, but when I try to play the split file, the screen goes black and returns to my Wii system menu. However, if I choose the 1GB split option, the game will load fine on my Wii. This seems to be a flaw in the Witgui program, as 4GB split files should actually be of that size (or smaller). Is this behavior indeed a flaw, or is it intentional? Thank your this program and your support btw. Despite this one flaw, Witgui is an excellent solution for Mac users wanting to modify their WBFS files, and I will point Mac users in this direction whenever the issue arises.

    On a side note for any users experiencing this same problem; one can also partition a disk drive with one partition fat32 (for file sizes below 4GB), and another partition NTFS (for file sizes above 4GB), a setup which is working flawlessly for me so far.

    1. admin Avatar

      4.36GB is the size I also got during my testing of the app, so it should be fine. As you may know, Witgui runs on top of the wit command line tool which documents the default split size to be 4 GB (see section “4.2 File Splitting” here: https://wit.wiimm.de/info/iso-images.html#split). If you think there’s a bug in wit please follow this post: Logging.

  12. Are or will nkit.iso formats be supported. Currently there is no way to convert between on macs.

    1. No, sorry, this format is currently not supported by the wit tool so it will not be supported by Witgui either.

  13. Hello,
    I am having some issue with a an iso game which can not launch on my WII.
    It is correctly listed in my WBFS partition (though it is only 268MB compared to the 4.7 GB of the iso version) but when I try to launch it is blocks at the very beginning.

    Do you think it is the game that is corrupted or does it come from my wii setup?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    1. I’m sorry but I cannot help with issues related to games not working on your Wii. You should contact the developers of the software you use to run them on the Wii. (WBFS partitions have storage optimization which is why the game is usually smaller than the iso file.)

  14. Carlos T Avatar

    Im using Witgui for several years and sometimes when i open it to upload new games into de WBFS partition it shows “0 WBFS partitions found”, but when it happens just update database, wit and wwt… So far it has worked well.
    Now its happening again but when i try to update wit and wwt a message shows “A server with the specified hostname could not be found”… so i can’t fix it.
    What do i do then?

    1. Please make sure you’re using the most recent update. Last year the server where those files are hosted was changed so the old versions still point to the wrong server.

      1. I´m on Snow leopard. There´s a way to connect to the new server? desairem.altervista.org its no longer… 🙁

        1. Snow Leopard is a very old system and there haven’t been any updates for a long time. Unfortunately you will have to use the newest version which runs on macOS Lion and newer.

  15. I have an external disk I already use with the wii with backups on. No problem. I plug it into my mac and can see directory structure and files. When I run WitGui though and click WBFS Partition button though the window that pops up says 0 WBFS partitions found.

    I don’t want to format it as I already use it ok on my Wii – any ideas what the problem might be.
    Im running MBP Mac OS Catalina

    1. It says 0 WBFS partitions because that’s not a WBFS partition. If you can see the directory structure in the Finder, then you have to click on Open Folder instead of Open WBFS Partition.

  16. In witgui in my macbook air , it doesn´t want to format my usb (fat 32) into wbfs, it says: it doesnt have permission or something like that

  17. Pedro Peixoto Avatar
    Pedro Peixoto

    Hi there.

    I’m trying to hit Download Database, but it fails with a timeout. Anyone knows how to manually get it?

    1. I just tried on my Mac and the database can be downloaded. You can also download it manually from http://www.gametdb.com/wiitdb.zip and unpack it in the folder “~/Library/Application Support/Witgui”.

  18. KitMikro Avatar


    First Thank you for your great GUI, I’ve used it for a few years but after upgrading to Catalina I’m having the following error:

    !! wit: ERROR #126 [FATAL ERROR] in wd_read_part() @ src/libwbfs/wiidisc.c#865

    I get this error as soon as I open my GameCube folder. Wii folder shows fine.

    This seems to be a problem with the WIT 3.02 version. So I tried installing 30.1 from ZSH but no luck so far.


    Anyway to fix this? Thank you in advance!

    1. For support regarding wit/wwt functionality, you should write on the forum you already found, since I cannot help.

    2. Chris Kuta Avatar
      Chris Kuta

      Did you solve this? I’m having the exact same issue?

      1. See my reply above.

  19. Hi, I have been running into issue after issue with WitGui, all which I’ve been able to resolve except for this one. Once I open the folder containing my ISO’s, they show as expected with the artwork and the ISO/GC tag. The problem is – I cannot successfully drag them into the WitGUI window for my WBFS 1TB hd. I receive the error:
    “An error has occurred while adding X.iso to the WBFS partition Y. Please make sure that the source file is not corrupted and that the destination drive has enough free space.”

    This hd has 1TB free with nothing on it. The games are in ISO format, extracted using unarchiver from .7z.. I also am not able to verify any game. I receive this error message:
    “The game seems to be corrupted. !! wit: ERROR #30 [WRONG FILE TYPE] in SourceIteratorHelper() @ src/lib-sf.c#6052
    !! Wii ISO image expected: /Users/postlapsaria/Desktop/ROMs/GC/007 –
    !! Everything or Nothing (USA).iso
    ! wit: No valid source file found.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Unfortunately I’m unable to tell you what the problem might be. Please post a message on this forum: https://gbatemp.net/threads/wwt-wit-wiimms-wbfs-iso-tools.182236/ or visit the official wit homepage.

    2. I have the same problem while adding a .wia file. Does anyone have a solution?

      1. Unfortunately I’m unable to tell you what the problem might be. Please post a message on this forum: https://gbatemp.net/threads/wwt-wit-wiimms-wbfs-iso-tools.182236/ or visit the official wit homepage.

  20. stephane Avatar

    how to use Witgui, I have the latest Mac OS Catarina and I download the Witgui file but when I click on folder or bfs partition I got the message wit file is not install. I don’t understand because any button to click for downloading or install.

    1. Please follow the instructions on the alert window, it tells you everything you need to do.

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