Author: admin
How can I sync other users’ files?
By default, other users’ files cannot be accessed, not even by an administrator. To get access to other users’ files, you have to add explicit permissions.
Does SyncTime verify the copied data?
No. SyncTime relies on the file copy mechanism provided by macOS, which returns an error if something goes wrong. If an error happens, SyncTime always displays it. If no error happens, with all probability the copy operation was successful and there’s no need to perform an additional verification of the copied data, which would double…
The translation nightmare – part 2
The day after publishing part 1 I got two messages. The first one through my website contact form, which allows to send a name, email address and message to me. While the name and email address were made up, the message stated (translated from German): “You’re lying in public? Very well.” According to the website…
How can I show the total volume size in the graph?
To show the occupied size as well as the free size in the graph for a scanned volume, enable the option Show available size in the View menu. The option can only be enabled when the Size mode is set to Size on Disk.