Category: uFocus Help

  • Protected: Stylesheets



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  • Libraries

    uFocus supports plain text documents as well as folders. This allows you to organize your documents in a structured way, such as when you’re writing a book and want to keep separate files for each chapter. In order to open a folder, drag it to the application dock icon or select it from the Open…

  • Markdown

    Markdown is a special syntax that allows you to add formatting to plain text documents. This doesn’t mean any plain text reader can show you how the final result will be: it still needs to support Markdown. To enable live Markdown formatting, select Modus > Markdown from the main menu. When printing a document, you…

  • Modus

    You can customize your writing atmosphere by enabling one or more of the supplied modi from the Modus menu. A modus actively stands by as you type your text.