Category: Localiji Help
Localization workflow
This sample workflow shows how you create a new Localiji document, edit App Store Connect attributes in and outside of Localiji, export files for external translation services and upload changes again to App Store Connect. Setup Create a new Localiji document by selecting File > New… and then the app registered in App Store Connect…
User-friendly labels for App Store Connect API types
App Store Connect API defines some enum types which are displayed in Localiji with a user-friendly label. For example, the Screenshot type defines APP_IPHONE_67, APP_IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 and others. Since the API doesn’t define user-friendly labels, Localiji defines them manually, like “iPhone 6.7″ Display” and “iPad Pro (3rd Gen) 12.9″ Display”, similarly to how they appear on…
How to link the same “What’s new” text for multiple locales
By default, the “What’s new” text is saved in a file named What’s new.txt in the corresponding language and platform directory. If you decide to publish release notes in a single language, you can link the files of the other languages to the base language via symbolic links. Note: if you use Localiji to edit…