Author: admin

  • How can I sync a regular file or package like the Photos Library?

    SyncTime syncs the source with the destination. It does not sync the source with the file inside the destination that has the same name as the source. That’s why the source and the destination need to have the same type: they both need to be either directories, packages or regular files. If you want to…

  • What are .DS_Store, .localized, .Spotlight-V100 etc.?

    macOS sometimes creates files that are hidden in the Finder and may cause confusion when mentioned in a sync error or listed in the sync confirmation dialog. For additional help, see Filters.

  • Control SyncTime with AppleScript

    To view the available AppleScript commands, open the Script Editor app (in /Applications/Utilities), then select File > Open Dictionary… and choose SyncTime in the application list. Here’s a sample script that runs all the available commands:

  • Why is CPU usage so high during syncs?

    CPU usage can increase linearly with the number of syncs running in parallel. CPU usage can also vary depending on the speed of the involved volumes. If you have several syncs running in parallel, you can try to run them sequentially to reduce the amount of resources used at the same time. Some possibilities are:

  • Localization workflow

    This sample workflow shows how you create a new Localiji document, edit App Store Connect attributes in and outside of Localiji, export files for external translation services and upload changes again to App Store Connect. Setup Create a new Localiji document by selecting File > New… and then the app registered in App Store Connect…

  • Why does it read “last sync: none” even if the files are already synced?

    It means that the sync was never completed successfully. It may look like all files are already synced, but some files may be missing or synced incorrectly. On the side of the sync item you should see a button with the error count: clicking on it will show all the errors that happened during the…

  • How to connect to Slack?

    Among the scripts that can be executed when a sync completes, SyncTime allows to install one that sends a Slack message. When installing the script, you are prompted for the webhook link to which the messages are to be sent. The webhook link can be generated after creating a Slack app. To create a Slack…

  • Sort sync items by relevance

    By default, sync items can be sorted manually by dragging them to the desired position. You can change how sync items should be sorted from the main window toolbar. SyncTime can sort sync items by relevance. When the relevance of a sync item changes, its position is rearranged accordingly. The different levels of relevance are…

  • User-friendly labels for App Store Connect API types

    App Store Connect API defines some enum types which are displayed in Localiji with a user-friendly label. For example, the Screenshot type defines APP_IPHONE_67, APP_IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 and others. Since the API doesn’t define user-friendly labels, Localiji defines them manually, like “iPhone 6.7″ Display” and “iPad Pro (3rd Gen) 12.9″ Display”, similarly to how they appear on…