Author: admin
How can I show the total volume size in the graph?
To show the occupied size as well as the free size in the graph for a scanned volume, enable the option Show available size in the View menu. The option can only be enabled when the Size mode is set to Size on Disk.
Why does Disk Graph want to access my Calendar/Contacts/Reminders…?
During the scan you may get dialogs asking whether you want to grant access to specific data, such as Calendar, Contacts, Reminders, and various directories like Desktop, Documents and Downloads. These dialogs are shown by macOS when an app tries to access that data. Disk Graph only tries to access files and directories inside the…
Why is the scan progress stuck?
When scanning a root drive that indicates the total number of files it contains, such as Macintosh HD, Disk Graph shows a completion percentage indicating the estimated number of files that still need to be scanned. Sometimes the percentage can appear to change very slowly. This can happen when the scan encounters certain system directories…
Why does SyncTime not use hashes to compare files?
SyncTime offers the option to compare the modification date and/or size of a file to avoid comparing the actual file contents, which depending on the file size could take a long time. A hash is a short character sequence computed from a given input (e.g. a file). A hash is, with high probability, unique for…
Why are all not downloaded cloud files shown?
By default, each file is shown by its virtual size. This means that cloud files, including iCloud Drive files, that are not downloaded locally are displayed by the size that they have in the cloud. To show cloud files by their physical size, or allocated size, you can change the Size mode from Size to…
Can I use Disk Graph to visualize my custom data?
Disk Graph can not only scan directories, but also open snapshot files which contain hierarchical data. To learn how to create snapshot files, please read Snapshots.
After scanning a directory, you can export a snapshot of it. A snapshot is a file that can be opened in Disk Graph later to show the graph as it was at the time of the export. A snapshot can not only show a directory as it was at a certain point in time, but…
Why are my .iso games not listed?
Is the game extension actually .nkit.iso? Then the game is not supported by wit.
Edit script
An edit script contains a list of find and replace operations that, when applied to an original file, produce a modified file. Since an edit script doesn’t modify the original file directly but allows you to export the result, there’s no risk of replacing many occurrences only to find out later that some replacements didn’t…