Category: Underword Help
How can I get a refund?
When you buy an app on the App Store, you provide your payment details to Apple, which ultimately processes the transaction and offers the app stored on their servers. I don’t have access to your payment details nor to your email or contact information, so I cannot offer a refund. But Apple can.
Why do I get an error when downloading/updating from the App Store?
Unfortunately I don’t have any control over the app download/update process. The App Store is operated by Apple and the downloaded/updated apps are stored on Apple servers. Apple has an official help article for these issues: If you end up contacting the Apple Support, they’ll most likely tell you to contact the third-party app…
Can I convert between WebVTT and SRT files?
Yes, when you open a document in Underword, you can save it in the other format as well.
WebVTT (Web Video Text Track Format) is supported by many internet browsers and video players, but every one of them seems to interpret it differently. Subtitles are always displayed somehow, but their position, size and styling can vary. Rendering Underword allows editing all the subtitle and region attributes defined by WebVTT, but the resulting rendering…
Editing tools
Video player To set the start or the end of the selected subtitle to the current video time, select Edit > Set subtitle start time or Edit > Set subtitle end time. When setting the end time while the video is playing, the next subtitle is automatically selected; this allows adjusting the start and end…