Category: Localiji Help
Localization workflow
This sample workflow shows how you create a new Localiji document, edit App Store Connect attributes in and outside of Localiji, export files for external translation services and upload changes again to App Store Connect. Setup Create a new Localiji document by selecting File > New… and then the app registered in App Store Connect…
User-friendly labels for App Store Connect API types
App Store Connect API defines some enum types which are displayed in Localiji with a user-friendly label. For example, the Screenshot type defines APP_IPHONE_67, APP_IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 and others. Since the API doesn’t define user-friendly labels, Localiji defines them manually, like “iPhone 6.7″ Display” and “iPad Pro (3rd Gen) 12.9″ Display”, similarly to how they appear on…
How can I get a refund?
When you buy an app on the App Store, you provide your payment details to Apple, which ultimately processes the transaction and offers the app stored on their servers. I don’t have access to your payment details nor to your email or contact information, so I cannot offer a refund. But Apple can.
Why do I get an error when downloading/updating from the App Store?
Unfortunately I don’t have any control over the app download/update process. The App Store is operated by Apple and the downloaded/updated apps are stored on Apple servers. Apple has an official help article for these issues: If you end up contacting the Apple Support, they’ll most likely tell you to contact the third-party app…
How to link the same “What’s new” text for multiple locales
By default, the “What’s new” text is saved in a file named What’s new.txt in the corresponding language and platform directory. If you decide to publish release notes in a single language, you can link the files of the other languages to the base language via symbolic links. Note: if you use Localiji to edit…